The White House announced the availability of the Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation portal in September, 2022. The site integrates information and data on climate-related hazards from across the Federal government, and gives users a way to check their local exposures to conditions related to these hazards.

Visit the Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation portal at

Thursday, April 14, 2022, 11a -12p MDT, 2:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern


  • David Lawrence, National Park Service 
  • Amber Runyon, National Park Service

Other co-authors:

The goal of this series is to advance the practice of monitoring and evaluating (M&E) climate adaptation work. The four-part series will highlight different approaches, examples, and frameworks from across the adaptation community, spanning natural, built, and social systems. Ample opportunity for Q&A and a training session to conclude the series will help attendees to deepen their knowledge and enhance their ability to integrate M&E into their adaptation work.

In January and February of 2022, USGCRP and NCA5 authors will host a series of workshops to solicit feedback on climate change-related issues that are important to the public. The information gathered in these workshops will help the authors determine which topics to cover in their chapters of NCA5. 

See the topics and access the full schedule of virtual workshops »

Water utilities have been working on climate adaptation for more than a decade. Now, they’re ready to share lessons learned with other sectors. This webinar series aims to expand the exchange of knowledge across sectors of society to foster effective adaptation practices and improve community resilience. 

The latest version of the Climate Explorer now offers climate projections for every county in the entire United States. The recent addition of climate projection data for Hawai'i and U.S. island territories in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea complements the tool’s original contiguous U.S (CONUS) coverage and the addition of data for Alaska in 2020.

Launch the Climate Explorer Tool »

Grassroots and Academic Partnerships

Webinar | April 14, 12:00 p.m. ET | Free | Register Here by April 14

What is the Resilience Ecosystem?

The Resilience Ecosystem (RE) is an open and inclusive community of public and private entities working individually and collectively to help communities and businesses in all U.S. regions and sectors to adapt/build resilience to climate-related hazards. Though federal and non-profit entities are committed to sustaining organizational and financial support for it, the RE is not an entity, organization, or professional society; it is not “owned” by any person or group and it doesn’t seek to compete with anyone.    

It’s still winter, but heat season is right around the corner!

The Climate Explorer has offered public-friendly access to climate projections for every county in the contiguous United States for more than five years, and the development team continues work to improve the tool. We're pleased to announce that Climate Explorer Version 3.0 is now available.
