USFS Climate Gallery - Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Intermountain Region StoryMap
The Intermountain Adaptation Partnership (IAP) is a science-management partnership with a wide variety of participants across the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Intermountain Region, which spans Nevada, Utah, southern Idaho, eastern California, and western Wyoming. The IPA region is characterized by high ecological diversity. Vegetation types include mixed conifer forest, dry ponderosa pine forest, subalpine forest, sagebrush, grasslands, alpine tundra, and wetlands. Ecosystems in the IAP region produce water, fish, timber, wildlife, recreation opportunities, livestock grazing, and other ecosystem services, providing a socioeconomic foundation based on natural resources. The geographic and ecological diversity of the region, especially on Federal lands, contributes significantly to the economic sustainability of human communities, linking Federal resource management with local livelihoods.