Occluded mesocyclone tornado in 1999 near Anadarko, Oklahoma

Ready Campaign

Find information on how you and your family can best prepare to deal with a natural disaster or weather-related emergency. The site includes information for building an emergency supply kit and making a family emergency plan.

Ready is a national public service advertising (PSA) campaign from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to get the public involved and ultimately to increase the level of basic preparedness across the nation. Ready—and its Spanish language version Listo—ask individuals to do three key things: (1) build an emergency supply kit; (2) make a family emergency plan; and (3) be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses.

The campaign’s messages have been distributed through television, radio, print, outdoor, and web PSAs developed and produced by The Advertising Council; through brochures; through the www.Ready.gov and www.Listo.gov websites; via toll-free phone lines 1-800-BE-Ready and 1-888-SE-Listo; and through partnerships with a wide variety of public- and private-sector organizations.

The Ready.gov website provides emergency preparedness informational resources, as well as guidance for making individual plans in the event of an emergency or natural disaster, and on building emergency kits.

Ready Business is an extension of the Ready campaign that focuses on business preparedness. Ready Business helps owners and managers of small- to medium-sized businesses prepare their employees, operations, and assets in the event of an emergency. The campaign’s messages are being delivered through the Ready Business section of the Ready.gov website; brochures; radio, print, and internet PSAs; and key partnerships.

Ready Kids is a tool to help parents and teachers educate children ages 8–12 about emergencies and how they can help get their family prepared. The program includes family-friendly web pages and online materials developed by Sesame Workshop and Discovery Education.

Last modified
16 June 2021 - 4:42pm