Screen capture from the Oregon Coastal Atlas

Oregon Coastal Atlas

This website offers a collection of digital tools and background information to inform decision making for the Oregon Coastal Zone.

This multi-group project is a useful resource for the management constituency of the Oregon Coastal Zone, providing background information for different coastal systems, access to interactive mapping, online geospatial analysis tools, and direct download of various planning and natural resource datasets.

The site's tool section provides links to a variety of tools designed to help different types of coastal users answer questions that are common in coastal areas, as well as a series of Oregon topic-specific coastal tools. These include an estuary data viewer, tools for beach access and water quality information, and shoreline photo-viewing tools. 

The learn section contains simple introductory information for a range of coastal geographic settings (estuaries, sandy shores, rocky shores, ocean areas) and coastal topics (access, water quality, hazards, processes).


Last modified
19 August 2020 - 2:30pm