Screen capture from the LandCarbon tool


Explore carbon storage capacity and carbon flux of ecoregions in the contiguous United States. For each ecosystem, examine baseline values and projected estimates for future carbon storage and flux under three emissions scenarios.

This website is the central point of access for data and information from the LandCarbon assessment, an effort that documented carbon stocks and fluxes in all major ecosystems of the contiguous United States, and on the major natural and anthropogenic processes that control carbon cycling (such as climate change, land use, and wildland fires). 

In the Explore section, graphs of summary results give users a way to compare baseline values for carbon storage and carbon flux collected in 2005 with projected values under three emission scenarios in 2050. In the Data Access section, information is presented as a series of thematic maps chronicling carbon stocks and their controlling processes. The Learn More section provides additional information about the assessment and access to regional reports.

The LandCarbon assessment was conducted using a methodology framework that:

  1. Links land use, land management, fire disturbance, and climate data with statistical methods and process-based biogeochemical models to generate spatially and temporally explicit carbon storage and greenhouse gas flux estimates,
  2. Uses remote sensing input data, existing resource and soil inventories, climate histories, and measurements made by a national network of streamgages, and
  3. Applies a set of future land- and climate-change scenarios to the assessment to estimate a range of carbon stocks and sequestration rates in ecosystems.

Greenhouse gases considered in the assessment were carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO, from wildland fires only), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O).

Last modified
21 June 2021 - 4:11pm