Screen capture from the InVEST tool

Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST)

Analysts can produce maps showing the location and value of ecosystem services to inform land use decisions. The downloadable tool set requires a desktop GIS.

InVEST is a family of free and open-source tools used to map and value goods and services from nature that are essential for sustaining and fulfilling human life. If properly managed, ecosystems yield a flow of services that are vital to humanity, including the production of goods, life-support processes, and life-fulfilling conditions, and the conservation of options. InVEST, which stands for Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs, enables decision makers to assess the trade-offs associated with alternative choices and identify areas where investment in natural capital can enhance human development and conservation in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems.


  • Estimates how the current location, amount, delivery, and value of relevant ecosystem services are likely to change in the future within user-defined scenarios.
  • Produces detailed maps and results that describe biophysical (e.g., amount of eroded shoreline) or economic data (e.g., shoreline erosion damages).
  • Provides models for marine and coastal planning, including coastal protection, renewable energy (wind and wave), marine fish aquaculture, aesthetic quality, water quality, recreation, and habitat risk.
Last modified
21 June 2021 - 4:07pm