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Check the number and type of housing units built within floodplains by state, county, or census tract. View data on an interactive map or download data for further analysis. is an online tool that describes people and housing located in the 100-year (1 percent probability of flooding each year) and 500-year (0.2 percent probability of flooding each year) floodplains in the United States. The tool combines housing stock and population information with FEMA flood insurance rate maps to produce an interactive map and downloadable data tables at the national, state, county, and Census tract levels.

The downloadable data is organized into two types of indicators:

  • Housing indicators—includes information on the number and share of residential units and buildings in the floodplains, how much housing is renter-occupied or owner-occupied, how much of the housing is multifamily or single-family, and information about the age and subsidy status of buildings in the floodplain.
  • Population indicators—includes information on race and ethnicity, households with children, households with seniors, and household income for households in the floodplains.

As sea level rise and storms intensify due to climate change, this tool can serve as a resource to improve resiliency by (a) helping policymakers and communities identify people and housing at risk in the nation's floodplains and (b) assisting communities in their short- and long-term planning for the effects of flooding. 

Last modified
23 October 2019 - 12:42pm