Drought Response and Recovery: A Basic Guide for Water Utilities
Water utility personnel can work through this straightforward guide to help them become more resilient to drought.
The guide—an online, interactive PDF that includes information, worksheets, and short videos—presents real-world examples, best practices, and lessons learned in drought response and recovery. Activities in the guide cover:
- Staffing, Response Plans, and Funding. Establish staffing and drought response teams; develop drought response plans; consider funding and financing options.
- Water Supply and Demand Management. Estimate quantity of current water supplies; develop ways to reduce water use; identify potential supplemental water supplies.
- Communication and Partnerships. Establish and communicate key messages to customers and stakeholders; develop partnerships.
Utilities can use the guide as a preparedness tool if they are not currently experiencing a drought. To increase resilience to future droughts, the guide recommends that utilities should have an effective year-round Water Conservation Program and Drought Response Plan in place prior to a drought. Actions taken before a drought occurs, such as implementing a leak detection and repair program, can increase available supplies and be more cost effective in the long term.
Last modified:
8 February 2018 - 8:38am
Steps to Resilience:
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