Climate Toolbox
This website's tools provide maps and site-specific graphs of climate and hydrology summaries (past and projected future), as well as a download tool for downloading site-specific data from the gridded datasets. The toolbox has a lot of different climate metrics including specialty metrics for agriculture and fire danger monitoring. Most of the tools in the toolbox utilize data that covers the entire contiguous United States.
The sites' popular tools include:
The Climate Mapper Tool provides summary maps of gridded climate and hydrology across time scales from past observations to future projections utilizing a dynamic mapping interface.
The US Water Watcher Tool provides maps of different drought metrics alongside maps of the US Drought Monitor and a site-specific summary chart of drought.
The Future Projections Tool provides a boxplot graph of future climate and hydrology projections comparing high- and low-emission future scenario across three different future time periods up to 2099 versus historical values.
The Future Crop Suitability Tool provides summary maps and graphs of future projections of climate suitability, timing of crop stages and irrigation demands for several specialty crops. Model data is restricted to the Western US.