Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation
Check local exposure to climate-related hazards, now and in the future.
Knowing what hazards your assets might face is the first step in protecting them. This tool can help you understand some of the climate-related hazards that could occur in your location.
The Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) portal features
- a real-time dashboard with interactive maps showing where common climate-related hazards are occuring today
- information about five common climate-related hazards: Extreme Heat, Drought, Wildfires, Flooding, and Coastal Inundation
- links to federal funding opporutnities related to each hazard
- federal government policy statements relevant for climate adaptation and resilience-building efforts
- curated climate and non-climate data for building equitable resilience plans.
The CMRA Assessment tool provides climate projections relevant to the five hazards for three future periods. Projections are available for counties and Tribal Nations. Flags for census tracts indicate if the selected tract is considered disadvantaged—and therefore eligible for Justice40 efforts—and if buildings within the tract are required to adhere to hazard-resistant building codes.
Last modified:
14 December 2023 - 4:06pm
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