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Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool
This webpage provides resources to help those in the Bering Strait understand the risk of oil spills and their impact on Arctic marine life.
This resource was designed as both a teaching tool and a pathway for sharing information and resources amongst Bering Strait indigenous communities, spill response organizations, agencies, scientists, and the public to improve community engagement in spill response and preparedness due to increased threats posed to Arctic marine life from oil spills. The web mapping portal aggregates data from ocean waters in Norton Sound, the Bering Strait, and Kotzebue Sound.
The BSRTT consists of a Data Layer Catalog, an Interactive Ocean Portal, and Oil Spill Scenarios.
- The Data Layer Catalog is a library of information available for the Bering Strait region, and includes real-time weather and sea ice data, historical ship tracks, infrastructure, boundaries, and other spill response resources. Users can browse datasets by category, search metadata using keywords, or click to access dataset descriptions with links to original source data.
- The Interactive Ocean Portal displays data in and around the Bering Strait on a map. Users can graphically explore both static and dynamic datasets, and drag and drop a "virtual sensor" to extract a time series at specific map locations. Multiple datasets can be stacked for comparison.
- The Oil Spill Scenarios describe available oil spill resources in the Bering Strait region in order to increase community engagement with oil spill responders.
Last modified:
30 January 2018 - 2:36pm
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