Aerial view of the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Being Prepared for Climate Change: Checklists of Potential Climate Change Risks

This booklet contains a set of risk identification checklists to aid environmental professionals in identifying specific climate change vulnerabilities of their organization or place.

Risk identification checklists help environmental professionals think about how climate change might affect their organization or place. Checklist items include potential risks that could be inferred by thinking about climate change stressors with the given goals. 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has created a booklet containing the following checklists:

  • Potential Climate Change Risks for Pollution Control
  • Potential Climate Change Risks for Habitat
  • Potential Climate Change Risks for Fish, Wildlife, and Plants
  • Potential Climate Change Risks for Recreation and Public Water Supplies
  • Potential Climate Change Risks for Human Health
  • Potential Climate Change Risks for Floodplain Management
  • Potential Climate Change Risks for Wetland Habitats
  • The booklet also provides a table to define specific organizational goals.

This booklet expands on content originally in the EPA publication, Being Prepared for Climate Change: A Workbook for Developing Risk-Based Adaptation Plans (EPA 842-K-14-002, August 2014).

Last modified
6 June 2022 - 10:22am