Adaptation Resources for Agriculture - Responding to Climate Variability and Change in the Midwest and Northeast
This document provides a flexible, structured, and self-guided process to identify and assess climate change impacts, challenges, opportunities, and farm-level adaptation tactics for improving responses to extreme and uncertain conditions.
An Adaptation Workbook provides producers a flexible, structured process to identify and assess climate change impacts, challenges, opportunities, and farm-level adaptation tactics and continuously evaluate adaptation actions for improving responses to extreme and uncertain conditions. Additionally, a synthesis of Adaptation Strategies and Approaches serves as a “menu” of potential responses organized to provide a clear rationale for making decisions by connecting planned actions to broad adaptation concepts. Responses address both short- and long-range timeframes and extend from incremental adjustments of existing practices to major alterations that transform the entire farm operation.
Example adaptation tactics—prescriptive actions for agricultural production systems common in the region—for each approach guide producers, service providers, and educators to develop appropriate responses for their farms and location. Four Adaptation Examples demonstrate how these adaptation process resources are used.