Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands

Climate change—especially sea level rise, altered rainfall patterns, and rising ocean and air temperatures—impairs access to clean water and healthy food, undermines human health, threatens cultural resources and the built environment, exacerbates inequities, and disrupts economic activity and diverse ecosystems in Hawaiʻi and the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands. Adaptation efforts that build upon community strengths and center local and Indigenous Knowledge systems improve resilience.

    Key Points:

  • The rate of increase in regional sea surface temperatures has exceeded global rates, while ocean acidification has reached levels not seen over the past 30 years. Sea level rise is compromising critical infrastructure and threatens to displace populations on low-lying atolls, forcing migration and disrupting social relationships.
  • Climate change poses risks to the region’s rich biodiversity, including many threatened and endangered species, that supports functioning ecosystems and cultural practices.
  • Access to clean, fresh water and healthy food is expected to be increasingly impaired by climate change. On low-lying atolls, sea level rise has caused saltwater contamination of fresh water.
  • Degradation of coral reefs due to a rise in sea surface temperatures could incur coastal damages costing approximately $1.2 billion (in 2022 dollars) annually to the economies of Hawaiʻi and the US Pacific territories. Warming waters, acidification, and deoxygenation redistribute open-ocean fish stocks, and fisheries catch within regional EEZs is projected to decline by up to 40% by 2050 relative to the early 2000s under a very high scenario.
  • U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands mangroves and seagrasses are among the world’s most productive blue carbon ecosystems, storing over 30% of total island carbon despite their small area.
  • Adaptation efforts that build upon community strengths and center local and Indigenous Knowledge systems improve resilience.

View the Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands chapter of the Fifth National Climate Assessment >>


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roy.luck, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Last modified
21 November 2023 - 10:18am