Stream Temperature and Native Trout StoryMap Screenshot

USFS Climate Gallery - Stream Temperature and Native Trout StoryMap

This StoryMap provides information about stream temperature changes due to climate change how this I will impact bull and cutthroat trout.

Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus)—listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act—and cutthroat throat (Oncorhynchus clarkii) are two cold-water fish species that have cold thermal niches and rarely occur where stream temperatures are warmer than 60 °F (15 °C). 

Populations of many cold-water species are likely to decline this century with climate change, but declines will vary spatially and some populations will persist even under extreme climate change scenarios. In some locations, aquatic habitats may remain cold enough to provide important sanctuary from future environmental change and invasions by non-native species that prefer warmer waters.

Last modified
18 March 2023 - 7:07pm