Screen capture from the OnTheMap tool

OnTheMap for Emergency Management

Easily retrieve real-time reports containing detailed workforce, population, and housing characteristics for areas being affected by natural disasters.

This public data tool provides an intuitive web-based interface for accessing U.S. population and workforce statistics, in real time, for areas being affected by natural disasters. Users can easily retrieve reports containing detailed workforce, population, and housing characteristics for hurricanes, floods, wildfires, winter storms, and federal disaster declaration areas.

To provide users this information for rapidly changing hazard event areas, OnTheMap for Emergency Management automatically incorporates real-time data updates from the National Weather Service’s National Hurricane Center, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Agriculture, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The newest version of the tool (Version 3) offers a number of new features to improve access to and utility of Census workforce and demographic data for emergency preparedness, response, and recovery activities, including incorporating Federal Disaster Areas, Snowfall Forecasts, and 2010 Census demographic and housing characteristics.

Last modified
23 October 2019 - 1:12pm