Federal Highway Administration Scenario Planning Guidebook
Transportation agencies can use this guidebook for scenario planning to address transportation issues, changes in land use, and population growth or decline, as well as climate change and uses of alternative energy.
This guidebook can assist transportation agencies with carrying out a scenario planning process from start to finish. Transportation agencies can use the guidebook as a framework to develop a scenario planning approach tailored to their needs.
The guidebook presents the six key phases that agencies are likely to encounter when implementing the scenario planning process:
- Phase 1: How Should We Get Started? Scope the effort and engage partners.
- Phase 2: Where Are We Now? Establish a baseline analysis. Identify factors and trends that affect the state, region, community, or study area.
- Phase 3: Who Are We and Where Do We Want to Go? Establish future goals and aspirations based on values of the state, region, community, or study area.
- Phase 4: What Could the Future Look Like? Create baseline and alternative scenarios.
- Phase 5: What Impacts Will Scenarios Have? Assess scenario impacts, influences, and effects.
- Phase 6: How Will We Reach Our Desired Future? Craft the comprehensive vision. Identify strategic actions and performance measures.
Last modified:
9 August 2021 - 1:37pm
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