Photo of young men trying to mitigate erosion near Kivalina, Alaska

Relocating Kivalina

Rising seas and coastal erosion are eating away at the barrier island on which the Alaska Native Village of Kivalina rests. Residents and others are making concerted efforts to move the community to safety.
Story Credit
<p>Adapted from the report &quot;Climate Change in Kivalina, Alaska: Strategies for Community Health&quot; published by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and the blog post &quot;Re-Locate Receives 2015 ArtPlace America Grant&quot; published by Re-Locate Kivalina.&nbsp;</p>
Banner Image Credit
<p>Millie Hawley, President, Native Village of Kivalina. Used with permission</p>
Last modified
23 April 2024 - 9:53am