WEBINAR: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 | 1:00 PM–1:30 PM ET
In this 30-minute session, climate data experts and utility practitioners will explore precipitation data through the Model Analysis and Guidance dataset on the Climate Resilience Toolkit’s Water Resources Dashboard. NOAA’s Paul Iwugo will provide an overview of the maps, animation, and plots from weather observations and prediction models on this dataset. Mindy Scott from SD1 of Northern Kentucky will discuss how such climate data is incorporated into utility planning and monitoring the development of potential storms.
Session Info and Registration Link »
- Paul Iwugo | Chief, Software Development Branch, NOAA’s National Weather Service, National Centers for Environmental Prediction Central Operations
- Mindy Scott | Environmental Scientist, Sanitation District No. 1, Northern Kentucky
Water resource managers, city planners, and the general public are witnessing changes in the climate, as well as associated impacts to our environment. To better plan for the future, the American Planning Association, American Water Works Association, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Water Environment Federation, Water Environment & Reuse Foundation, and the Water Research Foundation collaborated to create the Water Resources Dashboard–a one-stop location for water-relevant data sets.
Together, we’ve created this series of webcasts that will highlight specific datasets. Each session targets one or more datasets featuring a scientist involved in the development or application of that data set, as well as a practitioner or decision maker that uses them in their operations or future planning. Sessions include time for question and answers. The webcast recordings will be added under their respective dataset within the Dashboard for future reference.